E129: Interview with Jack Kuveke, GP at Jabroni Capital

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And now for this week’s prescription:

On this week’s dose, we have Jack Kuveke, GP at Jabroni Capital, a fake venture capital firm that writes satire and gives commentary on the tech world. Jack had a more unconventional path into the world of venture than most we’ve ever talked to, having been successful in crypto early on in college, dropping out, and faking it til making it with a bunch of eastern Europeans working on one of the largest ICOs at the time. An absolutely crazy story that we unpack in the interview. From there, we get to hear how he eventually made his way into the startup world, working for an accelerator and then starting his own companies and raising venture capital. Next, he tells us about how he got into satirical venture capital writing, what he has learned about the media business and virality along the way, and what success would look like for him. And lastly, we wrap up with some refreshing advice for the Pillgrims looking to raise money for a startup or just wanting to get into the world of venture more broadly.


Music Credit: Chapter One by Cole Bauer and Dean Keeton


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E129: Interview with Jack Kuveke, GP at Jabroni Capital
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